Accelerate Your Impact: Jon Morrison on StoryBrand, AI Marketing, and Thriving in the Automotive Niche

by | Jan 25, 2024 | Owner's Pride Podcast | 0 comments

Explore AI marketing and StoryBrand strategies with Jon Morrison. Gain insights for small businesses, auto enthusiasts, and beyond in this dynamic and informative episode.

This episode of Owner’s Pride podcast is a must-listen for small business owners, auto detail shop entrepreneurs, and automobile enthusiasts alike. Host Dann “E” Williams sits down with Jon Morrison, a distinguished TEDx speaker and lead consultant at Get Clear Consulting. Delve into Jon’s world of AI marketing and storytelling expertise, and discover how these powerful tools can drive growth and innovation in the automotive sector. Jon shares his unique experiences, including insights from his encounters with Donald Miller and his influential book “Get Clear.” Whether you’re tuning in for business strategies or your love of cars, this episode promises to deliver invaluable lessons to fuel your journey to success.


Seeking solutions to win our story

[0:00] The truth is that we are listening for conversations that are going to help us. It’s just how we’ve adapted.
We are constantly looking around for how we can win our story, and we’re very aware of the problems that we’re facing that are keeping us from winning our story, and we’re just looking around.
Where is it that I can find solutions to these problems that are keeping me from winning?
Welcome to the Owner’s Pride Podcast. I’m your host, Dan Williams, Dan E.
Williams, and you know it, the E stands for Eco Wash, the drought tolerant eco-friendly way to wash your car with just a little bit of water use code eco wash the world at checkout you’re gonna get 10 off your order because we care and if you’re picking up what we’re putting down here on owner’s pride podcast please do take just a moment to hit the like and subscribe button because you know what that really means the world to us today i have a special guest mr john morrison from abbotsford canada.

[0:54] John, how are you doing today?
Doing great, Dan. It’s a pleasure to be here. All the way from Abbotsford, which is just outside of Vancouver.
It’s kind of like Vancouver, but just a little cheaper for real estate.
Gotcha, gotcha. So I was excited, actually, to jump right into the Abbotsford thing, because I live here in San Diego, and we have the San Diego Gulls, which is the AHL team for the Ducks.
Right. And you guys, we do play against you guys, the Abbotsford Ducks.
Canucks do you go to any of the AHL games yeah it’s it’s great I mean they’re they’ve only been here for a couple years but they’re the the baby team of my main team which is the Vancouver Canucks and both teams are enjoying great success this year so I love that you’re a Golds fan I don’t meet many Golds fans okay well I have been for years and years and years um and we’re not enjoying very much success this year we’re I think we’re in dead last place it’s a dismal season um and And considering when the last league that we were in years ago, before the AHL, we won five out of seven championships.
Seven years in a row, we won five of them. So it’s a whole other world.
In business, life, and sports, there’s ups, there’s downs.
I’m a Seahawks fan as well, so you can imagine we’ve had our ups and we’re currently in our own troughs now.

[2:15] Hockey’s great, the football’s bad, and sometimes the football’s great and the hockey’s bad. So you got to have you got to have a plurality of interests to keep your emotions up and sustainable All right, and you played in school also. Yeah, I, Yeah, I grew up playing hockey. Loved it. It was my main sport.
It taught me so much about life. And now I have the blessing of teaching my daughters how to play hockey.
I’m a coach for their two teams. My four-year-old is just getting into it, so she’s not in any organized hockey yet.
But I got an eight-year-old and a six-year-old, and they’re loving the Frozen game.
So it’s super fun to inspire them with the stuff that many people poured into me over many years as I played.
Awesome, awesome, awesome. Okay, you have an executive MBA from Trinity.

[3:01] And what exactly is an executive MBA? That’s your highest level of education thus far. But what exactly is that?
Yeah, it’s just basically a program that you go with the same cohort.
So we just stuck with 12 people. The credentials were you have to be a little old, a little more bald, maybe gray, or have some experience.
And then we went through a program through about just under two years.
And yeah, really got to know people, some amazing discussions.
So an MBA, you know, there’s a lot of like presentations you have to do.
There’s a lot of notes you take, but the discussions are really what the value of the executive MBA is all about because you’re dealing with people that have life experience.
Whereas, you know, if you’re in a MBA program and there’s a bunch of, you know, 22 year olds coming right out of their undergrad, they don’t necessarily have the experience.
So that was what I really loved about the executive MBA program.
And yeah, I’ve just completed it last year.

[3:57] Excellent, excellent. And you also, you own Get Clear Consulting.
You’ve been a StoryBrand brand guide for seven years.
That’s really exciting and a cool thing to have. And then you’re the co-founder of Clinic Sites.
And, but wait, but wait, there’s more. And you also have a book that you wrote, Start With Who.
Tell me a little bit, touch on that book a little bit. it?

[4:20] Yeah, the Start With Who book was my attempt to come up with my own intellectual property as a StoryBrand guide.
That was really my entrance into the marketing world, into the world of story.
Don Miller wrote an amazing book, just crested a million copies.
I know, Dan, you’re a fan of the book as well. But you can only talk about someone else’s work for so long until you’re like, I think I probably have a few things to say.
And so those are familiar with StoryBrand. There’s a lot of of focus on, you know, who the ideal client is and their story.
And then you figure out, you know, if once you realize that there’s a major problem that they’re, that’s keeping them from getting to living out that happily ever after that they have.
And so you got to, you know, as a business, you got to figure out what is that problem? Because that’s what they’re paying attention to.
And then you, you know, have your solution to the problem, your plan, how you talk about it, and then how you get people to that ultimate happily ever after that we all are seeking.
And, you know, I love that. I love that, you know, the parallels with some of our favorite movies like Lord of the Rings and even Happy Gilmore, my favorite growing up.
It all follows that same motif that us marketers can follow to create effective marketing.
But the one thing that I, you know, was struggling with as a story brand guide was I’d say, like okay like who’s your main client and you know what’s the problem that you solve for them and they’re like well we don’t really have a main client we really have.

[5:46] You know, a bunch of clients. And so if you don’t get that first, you know, that first step of the StoryBrand framework or of, you know, really identifying who is your ideal client, then it’s very tough to create words or pitches or websites or whatever it is that you need to reach them if you don’t have clarity on who it is that you’re speaking to.
So I kind of took a run at Simon Sinek. I think Start With Why is a great idea.
It’s a powerful book. It’s certainly one one of the best TED Talks ever, but I think it misses the mark in that you can have a very compelling why, but if you don’t have a who that you’re clear on, then, you know, there’s a lot of people with whys that maybe their grandma, you know, always wants to hear about their why and their spouse pretends to want to hear about their why.
But the rest of us, the people that you need to reach with your why, you know, we don’t really care about your why. Why is that? Because we care about our own why.

[6:37] So I said, look, you can actually start with who instead and then find Find your why in the process, because as you’re serving people, you’ll find that you actually can, you know, make an impact in some people and you find that very fulfilling.
So that’s what’s now start with who is all about is for people that, you know, they have a strong why, but you’re not reaching because you have never articulated the who of your business.
So that’s where that is. um and it’s uh i see this over and over and over with kind of these unscrupulous marketing companies who are like parasites and they’re always uh putting out their social media posts like come work with us we’re gonna 10x your business in 10 days and you’re gonna have 10 million dollars and 10 million lamborghinis and 10 million blah blah blah and it’s all and and And it’s all just fluff.
And none of the companies that are doing this marketing ever start with the who.
They don’t figure out who the avatar is that they’re even advertising to.
They just get people excited and start taking their money.
Is this prevalent in other? Because really my niche is in the auto detailing world, working with auto detailers.
And you have a much broader scope of businesses.
Is it similar to you in other businesses that these unscrupulous people are doing this and not looking for the who, as you’ve stated?

[8:06] Yeah, it seems like, Dan, that you’ve maybe had a tough experience with marketers, which many people have.
And maybe it’s because sometimes with marketing, we focus on the tools, right? We’re like, what social platform is most important?
How should I reach people through my funnel?
We focus on email marketing or websites or landing pages or SEO or whatever it is.
But that’s so far down the line. The who, I think, is the most important.

The Importance of Knowing Your Target Audience

[8:30] And at the end of the day, if you don’t have any who’s, if you don’t have a customer, you you don’t have a business. So it is the ultimate foundation.
I always say that your who is like the first button you do it.
And I don’t have a button up shirt on at the moment.
But sometimes if I get up too early in the morning, and I missed that first button, everything else is out of line, right? You missed the first button, the rest of the shirt doesn’t make any sense.
If you don’t have a clear who in your business, then your business doesn’t necessarily make sense. You could chase after profits, you could chase after competition.
But your customers, I mean, we are so So our BS detectors are so high as members of the public that if we find that someone isn’t looking out for us, which may be your negative experience with marketers, if you found a marketer that just saw you as a number or a file or opportunity to hit a quota, you’re going to tune out really quickly to whatever they’re saying, or you’re going to leave them really quick, which is probably why the turnover is so high in marketing.
But if you find someone that genuinely cares about you and wants to help you win your story and help you overcome some problems, whether it be a marketing problem or it’s an operations problem or it’s a relationship problem or it’s an HR problem, which are very closely connected to relationship problems.

[9:40] Somebody with a solution that genuinely cares. I think that’s what business is all about. That’s all else I wanted to write about in, now start with who, is my heart for business. My philosophy of business is that we all are walking around in this broken world with all these problems.
And thankfully, there’s this thing called business to help us make our lives a little bit better that results in human flourishing.
So when business leaders show up, when entrepreneurs show up, when auto detailers show up, they’re making other people’s lives a little easier.
Maybe not fully easier, but a little bit.
And if all of us can work together, then I think, you know, the business role has a a lot to contribute to the human flourishing, which is different than you’re going to see in the media, right?
Anytime the media talks about business, it’s these big corporate fat cats or these land developers that want to pollute the land, or these people that just want to get rich off you.

[10:31] But the truth is, you know, I think we have to change the story and see that business is actually doing so much good all around the world.
It’s those little stories, those brick and mortar stores that are either bacon bread or selling shoes so that people don’t stub their toes or it’s giving them cars or making their cars beautiful or making their cars work or whatever it is, making them clean and nice.
Those are the people that are the true heroes, making others lives better.
And that’s what I think is the heart of now start with who, and then how to build a business around that, get the first button, right.
And then the rest falls, the operations, the marketing, the systems, all of that.
So I like it. I like it. I like it. And I got to get out of my own way here because we got to jump into the Wayback Machine and go to it.
I do have kind of a certain question that I ask everybody right at the beginning.
So we jump into the Wayback Machine, we go way back, and you tell me the very first time that you have any memory of washing, cleaning, detailing, or doing anything to a car.

[11:29] Yeah, I saw that one coming. And actually, I love thinking about this because when people often ask, like, how did you get into entrepreneurship?
And I think it just was in me.
I remember going to neighbors’ houses, and we would charge $5 to wash their car.
Sometimes they had to bring the car to us, and sometimes we would just hook up the hose and do it there.
But, you know, I realized that the convenience to it, if someone did that for me today, like, no kids ever do that. I’d be like, I’ll give you anything to get washed in my car because I don’t want to do it. I don’t have enough time.

[12:02] And if someone just came and did it for five, you know, you got to adjust for inflation because this was probably 30 years ago.
But my first memories of being an entrepreneur were washing cars.
So I’m glad you asked. You know, in fact, thank you for letting me share that story because no one else really would care as much as the people here listening would.
Well, I do care. And I think that’s an awesome answer.
And I find a lot of the people who are entrepreneurs did do something, whether they were selling now and laters at school or mowing grass or had a newspaper route.
But a lot of these guys who are successful later in life did come from that kind of a background.
So I think that is amazing.
Well, thank you. So when you started working for your first job job, what kind of work were you doing and what lessons did you learn from that that you’ve carried through the whole time?
Yeah, that’s a great question. So we touched on my hockey world.
I played up until I was 20. It was my last game of junior hockey, and I felt a strong call to ministry.
So I was actually a pastor for many years, Dan, and that’s where I developed a love for people.
I believe pastors, their job is to help people and serve them and help them find clarity in their lives and truth.

[13:23] And that was what I did for 10 years until, you know, I mean, we could do another whole podcast, but the door basically closed on that in the nonprofit sector, and then I discovered that there was an opportunity for me to use my entrepreneurial gifts elsewhere, because they weren’t always welcome in the nonprofit.
I don’t know how many nonprofits you’ve been in or how many churches you’ve been involved in, but the entrepreneurial side isn’t really, it’s not really what we’re known for.

[13:47] Sadly, missed opportunity, I think, but for me, I was, I had a mortgage and two kids. Now we have three.
And so I needed to feed them and pay these crazy Vancouver mortgages and had to find a work.
So anyways, I took with me my passion for people and moved it into the corporate sector.
It probably has leaked out a little bit throughout the course of our time together already.
But yeah, my desire to serve people, my desire to love people, to care for them when we’re on calls or in meetings or whatever it is.
I hope that it bleeds out in conversations with clients because the truth is I love small business owners.
I just love the fact that they are doing so much good for their customers.
They’re unsung heroes in our culture, in society.
They’re serving their family. They’re serving other families.
They’re putting food on not only their table, but others’ tables.
And at the end of the day, if small business business owners are winning.
They’re going to have more energy. They’re going to take some vacations.
They’re going to be able to take better vacations.
And so the whole premise of Get Clear Consulting was taking, you know, my story of, you know, actually, I guess, StoryBrand’s story and my message to helping create, you know, the right tools for small business owners to grow up.

The Power of Storytelling and Empathy in Business

[15:08] And I my ability to tell stories and to connect with people and to empathize with their pain and to understand where they’re coming from.
I think that’s something that I bring to the marketplace today.
And I’m proud of that, that I gained that from my ministry background.

[15:26] What’s really interesting, the founder of Owner’s Pride, Damon Gray, he also comes from the exact same background.
And I think that because of that, that’s one of the things that makes him a great leader is from when he was doing that and his ability to really understand people and open them up and talk directly to them.
So absolutely, if you’re selling souls, then you can sell, you know, that’s a big one to sell somebody their life, right?
And now it’s a lot easier to sell them a shirt or a pack of gum. Absolutely.

[16:01] Yeah. And my favorite thing about the StoryBrand connection that I didn’t realize until later was you have these complicated businesses out there. And many of them are.
They have multiple products, different client avatars.

[16:12] The solution is kind of complicated. And they need help because it’s like, I got to put a website together. I need words for that site.
What do I do? And I was doing this for years. years. You know, I had to wrestle with my own faith.
And so it actually took me to Oxford University for a year where I just wrestled with philosophy and religion and how does science fit into that.
And these are like very complicated ideas that I was wrestling with in the halls of Oxford.
And then that summer, I went and spoke to a bunch of junior high kids at summer camps.
I just got on a motorbike and I just traveled around my province, speaking at camps, teaching these these ideas to junior high.
So the things I learned at Oxford, I had to simplify and bring them into a junior high mind.
And that was a challenge, but that prepared me for the challenge of taking these complicated ideas in business and these complicated systems and these wonderful solutions, but they’re difficult to explain.
And then I got to help people with clarity.
And so I think that was a huge component of helping me was taking difficult ideas and making them simple.
Okay. So after leaving the ministry, tell me how you married into StoryBrand and starting your own agency.

[17:30] How did that meet together? Many people think Don Miller, his first book was building a StoryBrand, but he’d actually been writing memoirs for years.
My grandma gave me a copy of a book called Blue Lake Jazz when I was 18.

[17:43] And I followed Don for years. years. And as he was developing his thoughts, I was adopting those thoughts.
And then he comes up with this business book, building a story brand.
And I just loved it. And, you know, at the time didn’t have work, I was actually going to look at Craigslist trying to find lawn cutting jobs.

From Grass-Cutting to StoryBrand Guide: A Unique Journey

[18:01] And then I found this, I love cutting my grass, right? It’s like super fun.
Don’t like washing my car, but I love cutting grass. The part that I loved about StoryBrand was just helping people win.
And I heard about this certification that Don has this thing called a StoryBrand guide.
And it costs quite a bit. We didn’t have a ton at the time coming out of nonprofits and not having a job.
You can imagine that it was a bit, money was tight and somehow convinced my wife that this was the next thing to do.
So took the certification paid the big bill went to four days in nashville loved it and then you know all of a sudden i was a story brand guide so people read the book they love the book they say we need help applying the book and i was a guide to um to help them integrate some of the things they learned and then for those you know while the book was super hot i would just be getting opportunities all the time but then i had to get my own thing so that’s where the the start with who thing, really, I had to, you know, smoke what I was selling.

[18:56] And the thing that I was learning was how to find a niche that I could serve, you know, I didn’t want to be a generalist, I wanted to be someone who could help a certain kind of people, because I was telling people they had to do that. So I needed to do it too.
And that’s where I stumbled into the this world of chiropractors and chiropractors who love StoryRent.
I was a guest on on their podcasts and talking about, you know, how important it is to get into the patient story and to be patient centric in their messaging.
And then we created a product that would help them that was clinic sites.
So clinic sites was just devoted to helping chiropractors get great sites.
And then we started to get more disciplines like physical therapists and massage therapists.
And we had a referral partner who was multidisciplinary that just kept sending us new leads.

[19:44] And that’s where clinic sites really got wind and um it was just serving that niche i was traveling all over north america and then um we actually got acquired just uh i guess it would be about a year and a bit ago and so yeah it’s it’s a real it’s a great story of how you know i i knew the theory about finding a niche but then actually when i had to do it myself it was the theory didn’t always work and you had to massage the theory a bit, but on the ground it was working and, you know, there was a few very serendipitous opportunities that came in.
And now, you know, I guess it’s an entrepreneur success story to be able to start a company, grow it, and then sell it.
You know, that’s really what it’s all about, actually. Good stuff.

[20:29] So when you find these people who come to you that you work with in your coaching with the story brands, do they understand, and have a good grasp of it from the beginning or do you have to start right at the at the very base level with them or are they coming to you with already kind of like they’ve already read the book and done a whole bunch of homework and they just need help applying it or are they coming to you like just a piece of clay and you have to make form them into what you need to have them into understanding yeah, it depends on how they come to us. Sometimes they hear, oh, this guy, you know, from Get Clear, he can help you with your website.
And, you know, in that we create story branded websites.

[21:10] And sometimes they read the book, and they’re like, I need a website, because my current website is all about me. And I need to make it all about our customer.
And so, you know, it’s dated anyways, and the images are not looking great.

[21:22] And it was, you know, originally coded when websites were first made so we need something new and uh and that’s where we would come in and teach them about story brand um if you know whatever they sometimes they need a refresher and sometimes they just need to you know get the application done so that’s it depends on on i mean the book’s only sold a million and there’s eight billion people so there’s a few people that still haven’t heard about story brand but i’m happy to help the ones who really love it and we tend to you know work work well with them because you know it’s it’s preaching the choir anyways yeah i it’s it’s just absolutely amazing when you um when you use it and i heard you already kind of reference a couple movies what’s your favorite movie when you’re explaining kind of how story brand works and you’re comparing it to a movie um what’s what’s your go-to for that yeah i think people that read the book they know the star wars analogies they know the lord of the rings even hunger games is touched on you know how Katniss is the the hero of the story and she needs a guide in Hamish which we all know is actually Woody from Cheers so that one is pretty uh used but I like Happy Gilmore that’s the one that I my favorite is because it has it was filmed in Vancouver it has hockey as one of the sub-narratives Happy is a struggling hockey player with a wicked slap shot who realizes there’s no future in hockey for him but he wants one of those big checks so that he can save his grandma from foreclosure.

[22:52] And he doesn’t know how to play golf. That’s the problem. He wants the golf check, the big check, but he doesn’t know how to play, and he’s a hothead.
And so he is the perfect opportunity for a guide character to be introduced.

[23:05] Happy will not win a big check on his own. He will not win a tournament.
He will not learn how to do a putt.
So he needs Chubbs, and Chubbs is the perfect guide because it’s not about Chubbs.
Chubbs can’t golf anymore. more, he’s had a hand bitten off from an alligator.
And so Chubbs is there only to help happy win like businesses all over exist for one reason to help people win their story.
And so Chubbs teaches Happy how to golf. He coaches him.
He’s calm enough to work through Happy’s up and down emotions.

Happy Gilmore and Karate Kid as Epic Classics

[23:39] And he never putts for him, right? He never does the shot. He says, you know, you got to tap it in. So he calls him to action.
Happy, here’s your call to action. You got to tap it in.
And I love Happy Gilmore because there’s a villain character in Shooter McGavin.
There’s a damsel that needs to be rescued.
It’s just a great story brand, parallel story.
And I’ve never heard anyone else really use it to the extent that I just have here.
I know. That was awesome. I love it. And while I’m not a StoryBrand certified person, absolutely love the book.
When I do tell that story, I use Karate Kid. And I say Danielson wants to win.
Mr. Miyagi is a wonderful guide. There you go. There you go.
And it’s just so fun how that really does play into literally every Hollywood movie.
You can just break it down. And his theory is right there.
Yeah yeah the good ones for sure i mean love actually is a kind of a classic we watched it again and every time i watch i’m like this really breaks the framework like there’s no way that love actually should have been so popular at christmas time but.

[24:42] Anyways there are some movies that do break the framework but but the epic classics that grip our culture have have followed that hero’s journey and and don’s not the only person to talk about right like the hero’s journey it was a very popular work but don just applied it to marketing And that’s what made building a story brand so popular.
And it’s fun that we’ve referred to Happy Gilmore and Karate Kid as epic classics. Of course.
But they are. They stay on the test of time. So when you have people coming to you, and in our realm of the auto detailer, it’s really hard for a lot of the guys to understand and see that they have to make the hero of the story the customer.
They’re very, very much proud of what they’re doing for work and they often fall down into the technician rut and are really hard to pull out of that to start to grow their business.
But to get them to turn the focus to the customer as the hero, does that seem to be something that a lot of other businesses that you work with fall into that trap as well?

[25:54] Yeah, Dan, I don’t think it’s hard to open people’s eyes to the fact that you shouldn’t be talking about yourself all the time because it doesn’t take much other than just thinking about your last networking event or cocktail party that you went to or anytime you met somebody.
And if they just talked about themselves all the time, how great they are, how great their kids are, maybe how great their business is, their third quarter growth, their excitement about the awards that they’ve won and they just talk and talk and talk and what happens you you tune out or you think this person I cannot wait to get out of this conversation because there will and there will not be a follow-up because all they did was talk about themselves and I’ve heard enough and the truth is that we are listening for conversations that are gonna help us it’s just how we’ve adapted we are constantly looking around for how we can win our story and we’re very aware of the problems that we’re facing that are keeping us from winning our story and we’re just looking around where is it that i can find solutions to these problems that are keeping me from winning if it’s financial we’re reading financial blogs we’re following financial people if it’s relational or we’re you know constantly on the lookout for people are going to help us in our relationships if it’s business or whatever it is you know maybe it’s just improving our um our hockey game or or something, or our sport, our football, whatever it is, you want to get better at something and so you can win your story.

[27:23] And we know this intuitively.

Importance of Taking an Interest in Others

[27:25] Facebook, Instagram, TikTok knows this about us as well.
They feed our algorithm with stuff that we’re interested in.
And if they stop doing that, they know we’re going to leave the platform altogether.

[27:38] That’s one of the best things about social media is that we have custom tailored our algorithm so that it just delivers receivers time after time on the things that we’re looking for.
And business owners know this. They know that personally.
But the thing is, they think that they’re the exception.
And all I have to do is convince them that they’re not the exception.
That could it be that when you just talk about yourself and how great you are and all the achievements that you’re proud of and your high school football stories from the days of yore, that could it be that people might not be as interested as you think?
I mean, if there’s a single guy watching this or a single gal, I’ll just say one of the best dating tips that I ever received was shut up.
Stop talking about yourself. Stop talking about how great you are or showing photos from your phone.

[28:26] Of all the celebrities or half celebrities that you’ve ever met, ask questions instead and let the other person talk.
And you will find that the principle of interest dead is actually interesting will get you so far.
And StoryBrand knows this and says it’s the same thing.
If that’s true of humans, that we are really just interested in ourselves and that’s how we’ve coped because we want to win our stories, then let it apply to your business and to your marketing and to the emails that you you write and your approach to social media.
Take an interest in other people and you will see that they become interested in you. That’s not a hard thing to sell with people.
It’s just hard to convince them to don’t do it on their website or talk about yourself and your pitch even.
Or even your about page on your site is not about you. It’s all about how you can help.
So Dan, I don’t know if it’s as difficult as as you think but people are certainly doing it a lot because I think in my full compassion says no one’s really been told this right if you’re supposed to write something you just see this blinking cursor the reason why it’s called a cursor is because you curse at it when you don’t know what to do and so people say well I don’t know what to do like I don’t what do I say I got to put together this website or this write this email to people or this social media I don’t know what to do so they just you know they just sit there and say like I I guess I know about myself, I can write about myself.
And so that’s why we start putting words about ourselves, because it’s comfortable.
And it’s, it’s all we know.

[29:54] But the, it’s not effective. What effect what is effective is actually getting into the head and heart of the people that you want to reach and writing to them and speaking to them. And that’s what a good guide does.
That’s what a good business owner does. That’s what a good marketer does.

[30:10] So typically, when somebody comes in and starts working with you as their coach, How long of a cycle does that tend to be?
Is it something that goes years and years down the road where you’re continually finding new things to keep working on?
Or do a lot of people come in and they have like really one roadblock and you get them past that roadblock and then they’re kind of free to move on their own?

[30:34] One of the things that I loved about the chiropractors that I worked with is that they were very ethical and they said that if somebody’s not in pain, we’re not going to have to see them.
Right there’s some chiropractors and you know i will respect other people that have different philosophies but let’s say you need year-long care so they’re going to get them on the you know the every month plan and um and always convince them there’s something wrong with them i don’t do business like that i think if we solve the problem early then you know we we stop showing up so my my take is that usually we can get a lot done dan in 90 minutes 90 minutes is enough for me to get to know you you know figure out your about your business and then like i said take those complicated things that you’re throwing at me and then i just weave it through the story brand framework and and we get a lot done uh the other thing is that you know with the rise of ai we’re actually able to do what used to be done in 90 sec 90 minutes into 90 seconds when ai can actually create a story brand message for you so i created a tool that just you know saved me some time because I only have so many 90-minute windows in my life, and I thought there’s more people I want to help.
So we created a tool called Brand Message AI, which could take what used to take that full 90 minutes, and it spits it out in 90 seconds, a full StoryBrand messaging message for you.

Discovering a helpful tool and its creator

[31:56] Well, you know something that’s kind of funny? I downloaded that a few months ago, and it’s in my bookmarks, and it’s something that I’ve used.
I didn’t even realize until right now that that was yours.
Oh, really? Amazing. Well, there you go. So that is a really cool tool, and what a great idea.
One of the things that I had in the earlier coaching that I was doing prior to now, and I would run into a problem a lot, and that was with holding people accountable.
Accountable and one of the problems that i know that i had had before was i gave people too much information and too much work to do and it overwhelmed them so we’ve really dialed that back down and i’ve added a component in with a live um once a month where everybody who’s participating in the coaching that we’re doing will come on and talk about where they are and you know what vital process they’re working on and where they are in that in that to hold them accountable but what do you do to make people hold them accountable and do the work that they need to do because as a coach, we can only kind of point them in the right direction and nudge them.
We can’t do the work for them.

[33:00] Oh boy. I mean, I probably need a coach just on how to be a better coach for this because the truth is, you know, I’m great at meeting people in the early days and I want to help them, but I lose track of how they’re doing.
So I mean, if you figure out the answer to this, please, or if someone’s listening, please reach out to us because this is not easy.
You don’t want to be a micromanager who follows people all you know for years and years and years and just um is annoying to them like texting them all the time all right did you do what i say did you i say at some point we as coaches have to actually say what we think i mean this is why i kind of like being a consultant more because you know you have a blow in blow up and blow out mentality in a way and you give your best when you’re there but at the end of the day people need to be accountable for what they’re hiring you for and they if they have to do it then they have to do it.
You can’t stand beside them as they’re doing customer service, or you can’t follow up as you may want to on every single issue.
So I’m more of the empower people, get them excited, but then trust that they have to do the work.
That’s big boy and big girl stuff, and they have to be accountable for themselves.
Otherwise, you can’t bear all the burden of all your clients, right?
And what is the difference between consultant and coach?

[34:18] Yeah. The reason why I like being a consultant is because you just get to say, you get to say what you think, whereas a coach really has to draw it out of them.
So maybe that’s why I get stuff done in 90 minutes with StoryBrand is because I just, you know, say what I think, we write it down and then, and that’s the consultant in me speaking because I’m consulting, whereas a coach has to really ask a lot of open-ended questions.
This is from what my my training, I did some ICF training.
I think they’re, I think they’re maybe bigger than Canada, but maybe they’re just in Canada.
But I did, yeah, ICF. And I was like, really, you just have to ask questions the whole time. That’s all you get to do. You never get to talk.
You only get to talk if you say, can I add something that could it be valuable?
That is not my personality. I will just start talking.
And that’s why I like being a consultant. And that’s why we’re called Get Clear Consulting and not Get Clear Coaching.
Yeah. So a consultant really comes in and makes makes more almost demands, like you’re going to do this, do this, do this.
And like I said, for me, I try to point them in the right direction and nudge them along to go do it and get those answers that they already have themselves and draw it out of them.
Which is a wonderful approach. And it literally empowers people to think of their own ideas, which is such a good idea.
I mean, I always think of a consultant’s like a seagull, you know, you fly in, you squawk, you crap on everybody and then you fly away and eat some of their bread.

The Journey into Website Building

[35:44] That’s funny. Okay. So let’s talk about your website essentials and building websites.
Where did you see the opportunity to come in and start doing the websites?
And do you have a knowledge of how to build them? Or do you bring a team in that knows how to build them? And of course, I understand that you’re using a story brand framework for them.
But what did you see that was the really big opportunity to come in and make something different than everybody else?

Building Simple and Efficient Websites with StoryBrand Templates

[36:12] There’s a few things. My brother went to technical school and he came out with a website builder, believe it or not.
And he had a lot of success in the nonprofit world and then we built it on clinic sites.
And then he has gifted me with the same builder to build more sites.
And the reason why we love it is because it does fit with that idea of empowering people and you know helping them manage their own website so it’s it’s got to be simple technology and it’s got to be easy to do so we’ve created story brand templates for small business owners that they can just plug and play their own answers to some questions that we have about story Brandon and it’s all automated so that it’s you know cheaper so they can create websites in in minutes and they get a story brand website which I think is a huge thing is is you can build a WordPress, Wix, Weebly. There’s so many builders out there.
But because we understand StoryBrand, all our templates are all based on StoryBrand and StoryBrand alone.

[37:15] So, yeah, it’s baked. StoryBrand is literally baked right into the homepage, the about page, the service pages.
And then people can just take their answers to our onboarding questions and then just plug them right in.
Actually, the truth is that now with the AI tool that we have, that brand tool that I was talking about, there’s actually an unlock button.
And for just $29, you can get a whole wireframe for your website, which is basically what I call your website on a napkin.
If you’re not familiar with what a wireframe is, if you took a napkin and designed a website, it wouldn’t actually be your website, but you could make a website out of it. And it’s agnostic to any tool.
You can use ours, and people can try that.
Or they can use a WordPress or Squarespace or Wix or Weebly or GoDaddy or Google or whatever builder they want to use.
So it’s a cool way to help people.
And again, it’s just an extension of my desire to serve small business owners by giving them an easy-to-use tool that they can do without having to spend the thousands and thousands of dollars that it takes to create a StoryBrand product.
Because again, for seven years, I was charging thousands for this.
And now with AI, the value goes to the small business owner, and they get to keep it.

[38:36] Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant. Brilliant. And so I was looking at your website.
And absolutely, when it was time for me to build my website,, I went to somebody who had a StoryBrand brand guide on the team.
I was so impressed with the intake and like the hour and a half interview that we had, even before he started building it.
That was just great. So anybody out there, I think a man like you that does story brand websites is absolutely the way to go.
It just… Oh, good. That’s good to hear. Yeah, those are my brothers and sisters out there who are out serving small business owners as well.
So it’s great to hear that they’re delivering value for you.

[39:18] So when you build the website, there’s just so much more to it than just making a website. Do you guys do SEO for your customers too?
Yeah, SEO is important to show up like how Google wants you to show up in a way. Like you’re basically making your website Google friendly.

SEO and Google-Friendly Websites

[39:36] And the thing is that it’s not all that complicated. What does Google want?
Google wants you to, you know, be as customer friendly as possible.
And that’s something that should be aligned with every website designer.
You want to make it fast loading. You don’t want to stare at a white screen or loading pages.
You don’t want to have unclear messaging.
Or jumbled up words that don’t make any sense that are just all about stuffing keywords in there.
So I try to do SEO in a very customer-friendly way, which I think is aligned with the heart of Google.
Because if Google stops being customer-friendly, people are going to go to Bing or maybe they’ll go back to Yahoo or something.
But Google knows that it has to keep the customer at the center.
And that’s what I think. If you do that on your website, you’re going to have SEO rewards.
And so we try to demystify the crazy world of SEO by just saying, make it customer centric in the messaging, in the speed, the loading, the pictures, and people will spend more time on it.
And if people are spending more time on your website, then Google will like that and reward you accordingly.

[40:43] And when I was looking at your website, I noticed there’s a pretty robust blog section in there.
How does that play into your website and the customers that you work with?
And what kind of a frequency works the best and are those all like story brand kind of stories, too?
Yeah, that’s that’s a great question For one I’m a writer So I like to write and writers need to share and a blog is just an easy place to share it. So I.

[41:11] Yeah, sometimes I write to sell out to the Google gods, you know, to get us more traffic.
And sometimes I write just because I want to. I mean, I think one blog that I have on there is about, you know, having the spirit of Thomas Edison.
And I’m like, that ain’t going to get anybody. Nobody’s searching for, you know, a small business that has the heart of Thomas Edison.
But I just wrote it because I want to.
Another one I wrote with full intent that the keywords that people were searching for would connect to my affiliate link. and then we generate sales that way.
So a blog is certainly one tool that you have for SEO.
And I think I’m not the best guy to talk to about regularity because inspiration comes at random times.
But I think having weekly content is probably better.
AI has disrupted everything as far as frequency of content versus quality of content, I think.
So we may need to have this conversation six months from now or a year from now to see where things go in terms of the volume of content that you’re creating or frequency because I think content has really been commoditized recently with the rise of AI.

The Impact of AI on Content Frequency and Quality

[42:21] Oddly enough, or ironically, oddly, I just had a memory that popped up on Facebook either yesterday or the day before.
And it was from a year ago to the day that I kind of discovered AI myself.
And I had like made a post about it, the robots are coming. And I was just so, so amazed.
And I personally, I do end up using it for, you know, making a summary of the coaching session that I just went through or an email nurture campaign, or, or my social media posts. And.

[42:57] Do you see any advantage or disadvantage to using a service like AI to write those for you?
Because it seems like it writes them in a more clear than you can.
And it already kind of knows all of the keywords and stuff that it should use.
But is there a disadvantage? Oh, man.
I’m fully in on AI. having seen what it does for me and my productivity and ability to think faster and clearer, analyzing data faster and just getting more stuff done so as far as the disadvantages go i mean maybe i’m getting dumber we’ll have to see in five years from now if that’s the case but i feel like it’s actually making me far more productive and you know this there’s a there was a study out out of Boston, that, you know, I even Harvard Business School was involved in it.
And the results are that consultants are far more productive and working way faster, and getting more done too. So I’m not the only person.
It sounds like you’ve had some success in getting getting more work done.

[44:04] And for me, the the advantages are just that you can either do more work, or you can do less work, right?
Because you’re doing, you’re doing more work in less time.
So you can either, you know, turn things off and say, I’m done at, let’s say two.
So for me personally, as a hockey coach, we’re on the ice at four.
And so I got to get the kids at two 30. So I got to be like done at two and, uh, and to get on the ice by four, uh, my people are still working and I would probably have still been working, but with the, with AI now I can get so much more done, uh, that it’s, it’s quite amazing to me that I can now shut down my laptop or turn turn off the computer in full integrity, knowing I did what I needed to do that day.
And I thank nothing else but the advent of AI into my workflow.
Yeah. Now, I see a lot of these people who are advertising prompts for sale, like, oh, you need to buy these prompts.
And maybe there’s some kind of a rationality to this, but I cannot think of it.
It seems like if you just type what you want in there, and the more granular you get with the description, the more it’s going to give you the answer.
Do you know anything about these prompts that people are selling and if there’s any value to that? Yeah.
Yeah. I think prompt engineering is a new thing and being a prompt expert, because I think that’s the difference between somebody who’s just using.

[45:25] ChatGBT to say, come up with a gluten-free muffin recipe based on the ingredients you have in your cupboard, or someone who’s just, you know, writing a blog saying, you know, I’ve got a a car detailing shop write me a blog for the month of January versus somebody who says you know I’ve got a car detailing shop these are my ideal clients these are the kind of cars that we like to work on this is the situation that they’re in write a 500 word SEO keyword.

Leveraging AI for Better Content Creation

[45:52] Rich blog about this topic. That second scenario, you’re going to get a far better output from ChatGBT than just a generic write a blog for the month of January.
And so the better you get at prompts, the better outputs that you’ll receive.
And then I’m not saying that you just blindly post it.
I always think of AI as like the brilliant intern that you now have working for you.
You wouldn’t take an intern and hire an intern and then just say, go write a blog and then just post it without even looking at it or without even doing any critical thought.

[46:24] But it just so happens that this intern is going to give you really great stuff, but you still should filter it through your own experience, your own customer base, your own, you know, whatever you’re feeling to make it just a little more personal than just something that AI created.
But the intern got you far, but you just take it a little bit more and then it’s ready to post, right?
So, you know, you could say to an intern, write, give me a bunch of ideas for TikTok style videos.
And then they come up with this list. And you don’t say, you don’t say the intern, now go film it. You say, oh, I’ll take that script. And now I’ll go film it.
And then we’ll post it so that the interns doing all the work, you get all the credit.
So those are examples of how I think that AI is actually helping us with our, our getting our jobs done, but it’s not taking over our jobs, because we still need that element of you, that personality, and what makes it unique is you.
So there’ll always be a market for that. It’s just helping you get there much faster than if you had to research and write it all yourself.

[47:30] Conversely have you run across anything that has been like ai just cannot handle it it’s like no that’s not going to work at all and you have to just go get old-fashioned with a pencil and paper totally oh yeah i i was promised this software was going to um you basically it was promising right now you film a video for a minute it’s just a greeting i actually had a santa hat on and uh it was a christmas greeting and i tried to go through my email list, and it was promising that it would customize the name.
So if I said, hey, Dan, good to see you. Thanks for all the help.
It was great to be on your podcast. I want to wish you a Merry Christmas.

[48:08] You could just put the variables in like your podcast. You could switch to thanks for letting me build your website. Or instead of, hey, Dan, I could say, hey, Jim.
And the AI promised that it was going to mouth the words and come up with the sound that sounded like me.
And I tried it and I was like, oh, I cannot send that out.
This technology is not ready. now it may be ready in a few months from now but what a great opportunity that would have been to have all of that work done with just filming one video and then adding a few variable names and anything else in the video like wouldn’t that have been cool and send it out to like 300 people yeah that was the dream but the technology just was not there so it never happened, yeah i’ve tried to use it to to uh make some of the photos or the pictures too and And the chat GPT, she’s a mess when it comes to spelling words correct in pictures.
But I’m sure it’ll figure that out probably pretty quick. Yeah, yeah. And there’s other software too, other than, you know, chat GPT, right?

[49:08] Some of the video stuff that’s out there or, you know, everyone’s out there creating tools.
I would imagine that many of our favorite apps right now, they have somebody doing some kind of work trying to create an AI solution within the app itself, rather than us always having to go to an external app, I think the next step is that everything’s gonna have AI internally.

AI Integration into Everyday Apps

[49:30] So for instance, Microsoft with Copilot is coming out pretty soon.
You’re gonna have AI built into your word processor, into Excel, into PowerPoint.
It’s all gonna have AI within it and so you don’t have to go to another application.
It’s crazy that some people still are not on board and not using it.

[49:50] Some people that I talk to that I work with, they’re apprehensive or they’re very hesitant.
And they’re like, no, I don’t want anything to do with that AI.
And I’m like, we got to take advantage of the stuff that’s right in front of you to make your life easier.

[50:06] Yeah, if I could just speak to that. I mean, I have a lot of sympathy for people that are struggling with it because they may have grown up watching Terminator.
And I just had to make peace with my own upbringing that my parents let me watch horror movies probably way earlier than I should have.
I grew up watching Terminator and Terminator 2 and this is a AI dystopian story of when the robots come and take over and humans have to fight against it.
So a lot of people that fight against AI are probably projecting some of those dystopian stories like Ex Machina and even WALL-E.

[50:40] These are all AI gone wrong, dystopian sci-fi stories that are part of our culture.
And so now all of a sudden ChatGBT comes out and they’re like, is this the gateway that leads to this, you know, the downfall of society?
And so I think education is important to realize that ChatGBT is using a form of AI that’s a lot different than the thinking sentient robots walking down Main Street with, you know, weapons that are trying to shoot people at will.
So ChatGPT is way different.
In fact, ChatGPT is using the same kind of AI, which we call narrow AI, that Google is using.
Now, if you are anti-AI, you have to be anti-Google search because Google is just using an algorithm, which is artificial intelligence at work. The same with Netflix.
If you are anti-AI, you have to be anti-Netflix, which is taking the data of people that are like you, like to watch these kind of shows.
So based on the shows you’re watching now, we know that you probably will also like these shows. Why?
Because we have all of these millions of users and that we know they like these kinds of shows.

[51:45] And if you are anti-AI, you also sadly have to be anti-Amazon.
So that idea that you could buy Christmas presents without ever having to go to the mall, lovely idea, saving you so many hours.
And all of us in modern day society don’t even realize how much time we’ve had to save in our Christmas shopping.
But if you’re anti-AI, you cannot use Amazon.
Why? Because Amazon uses AI all the time in its search.
And if you bought this, then you might also like this.
If you bought this kind of technology, you might need this kind of cord.
If you bought a microphone, you might need a microphone stand, right? Because people like you buy things like this.
And how does it know that? It has all the data.
And that’s what AI is doing. It’s just taking a crap ton of data, finding the patterns, finding the similarities, and then putting something out there that’s new.

[52:31] And that’s what ChatGPT is doing. It’s reading the internet.
It’s reading all the information out there and saying, when people are asking for this kind of output, this is how these phrases, these words have been put together in the the past, we’ll spin it all together and make something new, something fresh, and that’s the output that you’re getting.
So it’s not all that dystopian in that it’s just helping you move faster.
We’ve had research assistants, we’ve had copywriters, we’ve had ghost writers for years, and all ChatGPT has done is now given it to the hands of regular people for a small subscription if you want the higher model or even the free version as well.
So it’s not that spooky, but I get that the people that maybe grew up watching the spooky AI movies in the past are a little hesitant.
But that’s why I wrote a book all about that, just to help people kind of get clarity on what AI is and why it’s not all that scary and why it’s so important for you to be getting on board because you’re going to start to fall behind soon if you don’t.

[53:34] It’s like you’re hiring an employee that’s never going to call in sick, never ask for a raise or never ask for time off and really never even complain.
Yeah, I mean, we could get into use cases, but there’s so many opportunities to leverage the power of AI, like even in customer service, right?
So we all kind of know that robots are here for customer service and, you know, we probably prefer humans.
But the problem with humans is that we’re limited, right? We’re limited to the time we work. We don’t work 24 hours.
We don’t know all the information in our employee training handbook.
We don’t know everything in our employee knowledge base or, you know, customer facing knowledge base.
But the thing is that the robots can figure that out. And so after hours, right, people that were largely unavailable or companies that weren’t available can now have a chatbot that is available.
So, yeah, you can have a human working from nine to five. But if you want to start paying them overtime, that’s going to start to get expensive.
So how about from five to nine in the morning, from five at night to nine in the morning, still have some sort of chatbot that’s going. And maybe it’s not as great as a human being picking up the phone, but it’s certainly better than nothing.

Leveraging AI for on-demand access to information

[54:43] And that chatbot can have access to all the information right away.
So even from the nine to five, that your human could still be accessing the chatbot and be like, I totally forgot, like, or I was sleeping through that session of training, or what was that on page 17 in the manual, I knew there was something that was going to help.
And now, you know, they can be accessing that information through artificial intelligence, And then passing the baton on for the after hours for the inquiries that come afterwards.
That’s just one use case of, I mean, we could go on for hours.
Absolutely. So let’s shift gears over to social media and, you know, advertising, marketing for yourself.
Do you work with your clients also on their social media strategy?
And is there something that’s kind of an overall encompassing strategy that kind of works for all business or how do you approach that even for yourself?

[55:38] Yeah let me give the the start with who and story brand answer dan and i would just say um add value to people if you’re banging your chest and talking about how great you are that only goes so far before people like you know what this guy seems important he’s certainly a hero in his own story, but i’m actually looking for a guide to help me win my story and so if you show up as a guide on social media and start adding value and solving problems and even using chat gpt to say like look look, this is my company. This is my ideal client.
Give me a list of 30 things that I could talk about on social media that would solve a problem for them, like a micro problem.
I’ll solve the macro problem and they can hire me for that. But there’s a lot of little micro problems that are going to show that I’m an authority and I’m, you know, I can help people in this space and then just talk about those.
Otherwise, you’re just going to get, you’re just going to add to the noise and get tuned out.
And so that doesn’t take a lot for me to say that. So I probably wouldn’t charge people for my social media expertise, because it’s just simple.
Just show up and add value. Be the guide, not the hero.

[56:45] When somebody starts a business, they come into it often not really knowing how to run a business, especially in their first business.
How much stuff do you think people should just handle themselves and take on and try to learn as they start scaling And knowing eventually, they’re going to hit a point where they cannot do everything anymore.
But where do you think that that that that crux is that they need to seek out someone such as yourself to work with?

[57:13] Yeah, there’s, I mean, I remember your, your talk with Mike Michalowicz, you talked about how there’s so many different coaches that it’s overwhelming, right?
And I would say just find one area that you want coaching with, or you need some help with.
So sometimes it’s your operations, standard operating procedures, and just getting clarity on that.
Sometimes it’s an HR problem. And sometimes it’s a marketing messaging problem.
And so you, you can’t solve all of them at once.
I think, you know, part of the fun adventure of being an entrepreneur or small business owner is is that you don’t get the joy of solving every problem with a magic wand.
You have to get in there and you have to grind it out and you have to learn some things the hard way.
And you have to struggle and you have to own it a little bit.
But the truth is you get a little better every day, every month, every year.

AI saving time and money in business operations

[58:03] And slowly you get to build up this really cool business. So I trust the discretion of the people that are listening to know when it’s time to reach out for help.
But the good news is that with AI, you probably can get away with a lot more than you could before, right?
Because before, you would have to hire someone to write like a seven email sequence, right?
For a new lead that comes in, you want to send them a little drip email.
Well, before, you’d have to hire someone to write all that or you’d have to write it yourself. But now ChatGPT can do it in minutes.

[58:34] And so you don’t have to hire anyone now. The AI can do it. And that’s, again, that brilliant intern that’s going to help you get so much more done.
And again, another reason why I’m fully in on AI is because I think it’s going to save a lot of business owners a ton of time and a ton of money because it can do now what you used to have to hire a freelancer or a coach to do.

[58:57] You’ve done a TED Talk. That seems like that would be kind of a pinnacle for a lot of people’s career.
How did that situation fall in your lap? And tell me a little bit about the experience itself.

[59:09] Yeah, I was a preacher for years, so I always kind of, I didn’t mind stages.
And so maybe I just have to acknowledge that just like, you know, if you go, if you watch The Voice, right, there’s a lot of people on The Voice that have sung in church.
And it’s almost not fair because because they get a stage every weekend, right?
Well, it’s the same with me with TED Talks. I had a stage every single weekend where I had to come up with 35 minutes of original content.
And at TED Talk, they say, you know, no more than 17 minutes, ideally 12 minutes.
And so I was like, oh, this is going to be a breeze. But actually, it was kind of interesting to spend three months working on just 13 minutes.
I thought I would have so much time. And at the end of the day, I was like, ooh, still practicing just before I got out there.
But I feel like that was my moment where I said, you know, I’m not just going to be, you know, Don Miller’s, you know, extended arm.
I’m going to find my own intellectual property and start talking about something that I think is a contribution to the marketplace of ideas out there.
And that’s where Start With Who came about.
And so, yeah, I just signed up and I had to audition. They gave me a speaking coach, which was fun to have.
I never thought like I used to have to do everything on my own.
And then I also I had this this guy who was showing up just to help me with my 13 minute talk and yeah I mean it wasn’t like it wasn’t life-changing it was just an experience and.

[1:00:34] I think after the applause of the talk, I was like, I think there’s probably a book in this.
I took 13 minutes and turned it into 200 pages.
And that’s when Now Start With Who came out.
And yeah, it was a nice thing to hang my hat on.
But it wasn’t like the huge viral thing that it was for Simon Sinek or whatever, who had millions and millions and millions and millions of views.
Well, from sitting where I am, it makes you look really, really cool.
Oh, cool. I received that. Thank you.

Autographing a book for Donald Miller and expressing gratitude

[1:01:09] And how did it feel? Because I would imagine this is something that happened for you.
But how did it feel to give Donald Miller signed an autographed copy of your book?
Oh, that was fun. Yeah, it was just a thank you. Really, he is one of the most generous people.
And he has shaped so much of my thinking. He has helped me feed my family with his ideas.
So he writes a book and I help people apply the book you know I wanted to just say thank you to him so it was a great opportunity to look him in the eye and say thanks for all you did here’s part of that legacy you probably never heard of it but you know this is my way to kind of close a loop in my own story to to give back and say and say thanks to him who’d given so much to me without maybe even realizing it absolutely man well if um if somebody wants to find out more about you or get your book, which absolutely it’s on my list to digest as well.
How are they going to go about finding you and finding your book?

[1:02:09] Yeah, so they can go to and there’ll be lots of stuff there.
If they’re really interested, at the risk of confusing people, I made another website called and that’s where that AI theme is kind of going.
It’s way different than StoryBrand and marketing Everything in websites is kind of the first half of our conversation.
And I really just wanted to have a fresh start to just talk about AI.
And so is where they would go if they’re really interested in how to leverage the power of AI in their business, which really starts with understanding what the heck is AI.
And that’s hopefully what that website will do. do but if if you know if they’re sitting with a uh some questions about how to build a story brand website then get would be the the place to go so those two options also um we talked about brand message ai and that’s just the third one where you can create a free story brand message right away so there’s you know uh nothing else to do other than ask answer five questions and then you can create your own story brand message with the power of ai doing it for you, Maybe make one of those for the one-liner too. Everybody has to work with that one.
No, one-liner is included in the output. Well, booyah, there you go.
Perfect. You get your one-liner in there and you get a few because sometimes you need a couple.

[1:03:36] Outstanding, outstanding. Well, John, thank you so much for taking some time and hanging out with me here on the Owner’s Pride podcast.
Your career seems incredible. incredible you’ve got a lot of accomplishments um i’m sure you look like you’re maybe in your 40s so there’s probably a whole mess of career left ahead of you and more books and more helping people and um i would love to keep continue and watching you grow dad it’s a pleasure to be here thank you so much for the invitation and just the chance to to share my story i hope that it was valuable for uh for those who are listening and and i appreciate what you’re doing you really uh you serve this community so well and it’s inspiring to me.


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